Montessori approach

In the early 1900s, an attempt by John Dewey (American philosopher) to find furniture specifically designed for the size and height of children failed.

And then he said: “It seems that the world of furniture has forgotten the existence of children!”

The same was observed by Maria Montessori (Italian educator, psychologist and doctor) when she first entered a kindergarten class in 1907 and said accordingly:

“If there are no houses suitable for children then let us build them! If there are no items suitable for children then let us ask them to make them for us! ”

A century later, an entire industry relies on the child. We started from scratch where the child lived in an adult world and reached the level where there are countless pieces of furniture and toys on the market aimed at the child. But which of these have real value for the child? Which will help in its development? What should be our criteria for buying a children’s furniture or toy?

To be able to answer these questions we must first know the needs and skills that the child has, depending on his age. According to Maria Montessori, children in the first developmental stage (0-6 years old) want to imitate the adults they observe at home. Who do not do anything other than everyday chores. Usually, we (adults) find these jobs boring and ask someone else to do them for us, as we consider it a waste of time. But this is not the case for the child because he sees all these as a challenge. The first activity that a child will do in his family is of the utmost importance for him: to clean, to serve, or whatever. In order for the child to imitate the jobs of others, he first needs to see them and then to have the opportunity to try and accomplish them. We must recognize the child as a living person who is called to adapt to the real world. It will make it feel welcome in our world and adapt smoothly. He will feel that someone took care of it, realizing his needs! Such an environment should ensure that the child has access to all parts of the house that needs, along with the freedom to choose daily chores at home!

The child’s participation in daily household chores has multiple benefits. Initially he is given opportunities to practice its movement he so desires. He can open drawers, cupboards, unscrew the lid of the toothbrush, carry a glass of water, fold the cleaning cloths, place the napkins in their case, hang his jacket and much more. Also through participating in these activities, he feels capable of himself and his self-confidence rises. He can not only do chores to serve himself but also the whole family, such as setting the table. Somehow he belongs and actively participates in the real world and sets the foundamentals for his social character.

Montessori Thinks suggests a range of furniture, everyday items and toys depending on your child’s age. With sincere love for the child, with understanding for each parent who fights for the best for their child and of course with knowledge of the Montessori approach, our vision is to help as many children as possible to grow up in the first years of their lives into an environment that listens to its needs!

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