The leaf puzzle is not only a cute decoration for bedrooms, children’s homes and classrooms, but is also useful for learning by playing the nine most common leaf shapes.
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Perception of color gradations, learning words such as light/dark, lighter/darker, describing mood through colors.
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The puzzle game helps children grasp accurately and improves hand-eye coordination.
Thanks to the variety of mushrooms, the game keeps interest high for a long time and turns into a cute room decoration when not in use.
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Dimensions: 56 x 50 x 61 cm.
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It is one of the most basic development materials for 6-12 months old babies. Ideal for babies trying to lift their own weight.
It allows him/her to hold on and stand up and repeats this movement. Being able to stand is a very new experience, and it gets him/her very excited. It tastes the feeling of being able to move independently until the walking period.
Especially if you put it in front of a mirror, it helps them enjoy watching their own facial expressions.
Spending a long time in front of the mirror improves the sense of self.
Attention: The mirror is not included, only the support bar.
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Game board approx. 22 x 18 x 1 cm;
game piece height: approx. 2 cm, Ø approx. 1.5 cm
Material:wood / fabric / cloth / textiles
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