Enjoy the seasons of the year


This is an original association game for learning about the different activities you can do in every season of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The real-life images encourage children to revisit the seasons over and over again.

Throw the dice and find out which is your favourite season!

What do I learn?What do I learn?

  • To learn about the four seasons of the year.
  • To discover the typical activities of each season.
  • To understand that everyone can have a different favourite season, thus learning to respect diversity of opinion.
  • To develop the skills of observation and logical reasoning.
  • To extend the vocabulary related to the images shown on the cards.
  • To learn to respect the order of play.


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The game comprises 28 cards of thick, robust, hard-wearing, high-quality cardboard plus 1 maxi-dice made from recycled plastic.

There are four round cards, each with an illustration of a tree in one season of the year, and 24 cards showing real-life images of activities typical of each season.

The cardboard used is environmentally-friendly and sourced from sustainable forests. It contains a high percentage of recycled material and is 100% recyclable.


Each season of the year has a different colour to help with their association:
– Spring: green
– Summer: yellow
– Autumn: orange
– Winter: blue



1. Put the four round cards showing the different seasons of the year face up in the middle of the table and distribute the other cards among the players.

2. Taking turns, each player throws the dice and, depending on which season of the year it shows, uses one of their cards to complete the corresponding season. If they do not have a card that matches the season shown on the dice, the turn passes to the next player.

3. The winner is the first player to use up all their cards


Group version

1. Put the four round cards showing the seasons of the year face up in the middle of the table, and next to them the cards showing the real-life images of the typical seasonal scenes, well shuffled.

2. Taking turns, each player throws the dice and, depending on the season shown, searches for a matching card for that season in the pile of cards. If there are no more cards left for that particular season, the turn passes to the next player.

3. The game is finished when all four seasons have been completed with all the cards.


Other notes:

– If a cross is thrown, the player loses a turn and passes the dice to the next player.
– The coloured border of the cards serves as a self-correcting system to check that the correct association has been made. In addition, the colour on the back of the cards also matches the colour of the corresponding season.




Children aged 3+


Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 10 cm per set
Age 36+ months. Age is indicative, use depends on the child's development
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