Gobbi Mobile (7-9 weeks)


The next mobile you will present to your baby, after the Octahedron Mobile, is the Gobbi Mobile.

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The next mobile you will present to your baby, after the Octahedron Mobile, is the Gobbi Mobile.

The Gobbi Mobile is made of styrofoam balls, covered with threads of the same color. These balls are in 5 different shades of the same basic color. The darker colored ball hangs lower, while the lighter colored ball hangs higher.

By the age of three months, the baby can fully distinguish the color spectrum. This is the perfect time to use gobbi mobile.

Its purpose is to improve color perception, visual discrimination, depth perception and attention to detail.

It is produced in different heights and color shades.

-Allows tracking of objects from closest to farthest, left to right, top to bottom and backward.

-Improves attention and concentration.

-Thanks to the air created by the movements of the baby’s hands, the mobile moves. In this way, the baby’s movement and balance are improved. Some of Maria Montessori’s cause-and-effect education techniques are applied here through observation.

-The movement of the mobile contributes to the development of the perception of depth and distance as well as to the development of the baby’s ability to spend time alone.

It makes a great gift for mothers and mothers-to-be.

It is recommended to use between 7-9 weeks, but you can continue to use it according to your baby’s interest.

The mobile should be hung at a distance of 20-30 cm from the eyes, where the baby cannot touch it but can see it clearly. This distance is enough to allow the newborn’s eyes to focus on the mobile and provides enough room for the baby to move his arms under the mobile without risking his safety.

The mobile comes assembled and all you have to do is tie the threads of the product where you want.

Use under adult supervision is recommended.

The wooden stick is 30cm and each ball is approximately 6cm.

Manufactured following compliance directive 2009/48/EC for toy safety and hygiene.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 6 cm
Age 7-9 weeks. Age is indicative, use depends on the child's development
SKU: CEM003 Category:  Tags: ,
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